Size-Selected PCR
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Just-a-Plate  96 DNA Fragment Size Selection and Purification for NGS Kit


What the kit can do:  (1) Efficient size-selection DNA fragment library cleanup;   (2) Remove Primers, Primer Dimers, Adaptor Dimer, NGS adapters and DNA templates; (3) Concentrate NGS library products; (4) Used for DNA fragment library cleanup and size-selection for downstream use, such as NGS library adaptor-ligated PCR enrichment, DNA normalization in next generation sequencing (NGS) workflows

Why you should use the kit: This revolutionized new SSRB technology can overcome other size-selection DNA fragment purification methods such as spin column, magnetic bead or fitration tip in the DNA purification market with (1) High Product Recovery Efficiency (over 80% product recovery efficiency while other methods have less than 60% product recovery efficiency):  If you don't want to lose your DNA product during purification process, then you should use a technology with a high product recovery efficiency. (2) Most cost efficiency (the lowest price to purify a size-selected DNA sample): If you find any commercial DNA purification kit has a lower price, we guarantee you that we will beat the any competitor's price with a further 15% off any competitor's price (3) Highest Purity: The kit can remove primers, nucleotides and primer dimers with 99.99% efficiency  (4) Fast and easy to perform: Save your time and reduce your efforts!

How the kit works:  Please see How Size-Selection DNA Fragment Purification Works.

Feature Highlight

  • Fast to perform: It only takes less than 30 minutes of overall time (less than 10 minutes hands-on time) to purify 96 DNA samples  . (The kit can process any number of samples up to 96 DNA samples at a time with Just-a-Plate kit. If you process less than 24 DNA samples at a time, We recommend you choose Just-a-Tube Size-Selected DNA Fragment Purification for NGS Kit, which only need less than 20 minitues to purifiy 24 PCR samples)
  • Easy to handle:  PCR reaction, PCR products purification and downstream assays all can be performed in the same plate without sample transferring, making the plate as an idea platform for multiple-tasks workflow and save your money!  You also don't need special equipment, such as magnetic device to handle the kit as magnetic beads or 96-well membrane plates need.
  • Easy to control the selected size range: Whether a small size range ( such as 400 bps - 600 bps) or a large size range ( 300 bps -1500 bps) DNA fragments, a specific size range DNA fragment can be isolated by adjusting the binding buffer volume easily.
  • Reliable quality: Unique SSRB technology provides consistent well-to-well performance of high yield (recovery ) of PCR DNA with high quality.

Kit Specifications:

  • Starting Material: 10 ul - 20 ul PCR, ligation, restriction enzyme reaction product (10 ng - 30 ug dsDNA products)
  • Elution Volume: 5 ul - 20 ul ( you also can concentrate your DNA sample with less elution volume if you want to get higher concentration for downstream applications)
  • Separation Range:  Purified any DNA fragment size range within 200 bps - 1500 bps from 60 bps - 120 bps primer dimer and adaptor dimer,  10 - 90 mer primers (The kit can selectively control the DNA fragment size need to be purified. while removing ssDNA primers and primer dimers, adapter dimer and DNA templates)
  • Sample Purity: Remove neucleotides and ssDNA primers and dimers with 99.99% efficiency!

Products Related to NGS and PCR Purification:

(1) Just-a-Tube DNA Fragment Size Selection and  Purification kit :  If your sample volume is about 50 ul - 500 ul , this kit is right fit for your DNA fragement size-selection and purification need.

(2) Just-a-Plate 96 PCR Purification Kit :  Highest PCR product recovery efficiency! Easy and simple procedure, Lowest price to purify PCR products on the market.

(3) Just-a-Plate 96 PCR Purification and Normalization Kit: This kit can remove short DNA primers, dNTPs and adaptor and normalize DNA sample concentration from different PCR samples.


Order Information

Product Description

Catalog #

Listed Price (USD)


96 X 1 (Preps)



96 X 10 (Preps)



Note: Individual kit components can be purchased separately, Please call for details.



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